Role: Art Direction and Design
Brief: A young father’s struggle to get himself and his kids to enjoy more healthy fruit and vegetables. Thus the notion of a smoothie drink that would do just that was born. The smoothie company requires a a complete branding and visual identity for their product. They have not yet come up with a name and are very open to all creative input. Essentially the product is a blank slate, seeking to create a brand that adults and kids can both enjoy while getting a healthy dose of fruits and veggies.
Solution: After diving in and understanding the concept, it was clear the goal was to achieve an identity that was both “hip and healthy”. The playful name “Fruit Stache” was chosen and the brand was built by fusing nutrition with a cool twist. A bright color scheme was chosen, and playful expressive fonts further the fun of the brand. Modern day hip fruit characters were created to expand the brand and add personality, This winning combination of nutrition joined with fun is perfect for adults and kids alike!